Illinois Schools Use of Seclusion and Restraint Increased in During the 2017-18 School Year

Children Locked Away in Illinois Schools The number of school districts that reported using seclusion, the practice of forcibly isolating a student in a small room or other space, also increased to 138 from 133, underscoring how entrenched the practice has been in the state. Dive Deeper Into Our Reporting Over the last year, in response to a November […]

Information for victims of drunk drivers

Information found here was taken from Illinois DUI Fact Book (2020) for your convenience. The full fact book can be found at Reckless Homicide A person may be charged with reckless homicide if he/she operates a motor vehicle,snowmobile, all-terrain vehicle or watercraft while under the influence that resultsin the death of an individual. If […]

Process of a DUI arrest

An officer stops a vehicle at a roadside safety check or for probable cause, reasonable suspicion or unusual operation. The officer observes the driver and requests a driver’s license, vehicle registration and proof of insurance. If the officer suspects the driver is under the influence, the driver is asked to submit to field sobriety tests. […]

10 New Laws Effective July 1st

As July abruptly arrived last week, the launch of ten new Illinois laws arrived as well. The new state laws cover a spectrum of topics- reacting to more recently highlighted issues, as well as building upon older legislative developments. Here are the 10 new regulations in effect after July 1st:   Coronavirus In response to […]

Ninth Circuit Affirms Biometric Privacy Class Action Lawsuit Against Facebook

This article was first published at JDSUPRA On August 8, the Ninth Circuit issued a highly anticipated decision affirming the district court’s certification of a class of Facebook users who suffered alleged violations of the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act (“BIPA”). The case—which has been followed closely by the business community and privacy activists—may lead […]