
Vínculo potencial: Gastroparesia, Ozempic y Mounjaro

Vínculo potencial: Gastroparesia, Ozempic y Mounjaro

Entender los aspectos médicos de la demanda contra Ozempic y Mounjaro es crucial para comprender el alcance y el impacto de las reclamaciones legales. He aquí una visión ampliada de la perspectiva médica:

El papel de los agonistas del GLP-1

Función: Los agonistas del GLP-1, como Ozempic y Mounjaro, funcionan imitando una hormona que regula los niveles de azúcar en sangre. Estimulan la producción de insulina e inhiben la liberación de glucagón, reduciendo eficazmente la glucemia en los pacientes con diabetes de tipo 2.

Mecanismo de pérdida de peso: Estos fármacos también ralentizan el vaciado gástrico, haciendo que los pacientes se sientan saciados durante más tiempo y reduciendo el apetito, lo que ayuda a perder peso.

Comprender la gastroparesia

Definición y síntomas: La gastroparesia es una afección en la que la capacidad del estómago para vaciar su contenido está alterada, lo que provoca síntomas como náuseas, vómitos, hinchazón y dolor abdominal.

Relación con la diabetes: Aunque la diabetes es una causa conocida de gastroparesia debida a daños en el nervio vago, que controla los músculos del estómago, la afección también puede ser inducida por otros factores, incluidos ciertos medicamentos.

Preocupaciones médicas en la demanda

Supuestos efectos secundarios: Los demandantes afirman que el uso de Ozempic y Mounjaro provocó gastroparesia grave, caracterizada por vómitos persistentes, dolor abdominal intenso y, en algunos casos, pérdida de dientes debido a la intensidad de los vómitos.

Documentación en ensayos clínicos: Los problemas gastrointestinales como el dolor abdominal, las náuseas y los vómitos son efectos secundarios documentados en los ensayos clínicos de estos medicamentos. Sin embargo, la alegación específica de la demanda es que la gravedad y el potencial de gastroparesia no se comunicaron adecuadamente.

Opiniones de expertos y postura de la FDA

Expertos médicos: Algunos expertos expresan su sorpresa ante la demanda, señalando que, aunque los medicamentos podrían causar gastroparesia, el problema también podría derivarse de otras afecciones subyacentes, incluida la propia diabetes del paciente.

Posición de la FDA: Por el momento, la FDA no ha relacionado explícitamente los agonistas del GLP-1 con un mayor riesgo de gastroparesia, pero está supervisando los informes de acontecimientos adversos. Los hallazgos de la agencia y las acciones subsiguientes podrían afectar significativamente tanto a las directrices médicas como al panorama jurídico.

Implicaciones para los pacientes y los profesionales sanitarios

Concienciación del paciente: Los pacientes que utilicen estos fármacos, especialmente para fines no indicados, como la pérdida de peso, deben ser conscientes de los posibles riesgos gastrointestinales.

Responsabilidad del profesional sanitario: Los profesionales médicos que prescriben estos medicamentos deben vigilar estrechamente a los pacientes para detectar signos de gastroparesia y otros síntomas gastrointestinales graves. También deben asegurarse de que los pacientes estén plenamente informados de los riesgos potenciales.

You may be entitled to compensation

We represent people throughout the United States who have been seriously injured or killed by the negligent, reckless, or intentional actions of others. We understand the physical, emotional, and financial burdens that our clients face during these times, and we work tirelessly to secure the compensation they deserve.

If you have been injured, or your loved one has died as the result of another’s careless conduct, contact us today. We can be reached at (815) 895-8585.

We have secured over $170 Million Dollars for our clients.

How much time do you have to file a case?

The law limits the amount of time you can file a claim and collect damages for your injury. That law is called the Statute of Limitations. No matter how great your loss, you will not be able to collect if you miss this deadline. Your lawyer will know all the deadlines and limits the law has outlined for your injuries. Putting a claim together can take time, so it’s important to consult with a lawyer near you as soon as possible.

Don't wait until it's too late!

Ranked top 10 in the Nation

The National Trial Lawyers recognizes Nicholas Cronauer as one of the top 10 lawyers
under the age of 40 in the nation.

plan of action

With you at every step

Cronauer Law has years of experience representing clients who have been seriously injured.

We know what it takes to win, and have prepared the  the steps we need to take to get the best outcome clients can expect from hiring a lawyer.


No cost first step

Contact us to get the process started. Our lawyers will explain the laws around your case at no cost to you.


building your case

We work with the insurance companies to ensure they fulfill their duties to cover the costs related to your injuries.


achieving your goals

A Serious injury can dramatically change how you plan on reaching your life goals. We’ll work with you long after the case has won to ensure your life gets to where it needs to be

We take pride in what we do

What to expect from the start

We understand that most people may not have hired a lawyer before, so we make it as easy and clear as possible to understand what  We will answer all of your questions, and guide you through this process. We are here to help you.

Issues that may arise without a lawyer

We talk to the insurance companies to ensure they fulfill their purpose and pay out the compensation you deserve
Start the healing process sooner. Cronauer Law is prepared to support and pay for your medical care when you need it the most. You pay us back when we win a settlement or verdict
Hire a lawyer ready to fight through the end. We are a unique class of lawyers, known as "Trial Lawyers." This means we focus on winning your case in the courtroom. We fight for the dollar amount you deserve
With you every step of the way. We are in constant contact with you at every step of your case so you can understand all your options and make the important decisions.
How do I know I have a case?

If you were injured in any way–medically, emotionally, physically, in a car, at work, on the street–then you may have a case. Employers, companies, and individuals have a “duty of care.” This term refers to each person’s obligation to avoid actions or situations that endanger other people.

Personal injury attorneys offer their services on what is called a “contingency fee” basis. That means we pay for all the upfront costs of your case–hiring specialists, paying court fees, even assessing medical care. You owe us nothing, and we only take a fee if you win your case.

As soon as possible, ideally. Give our personal injury law firm a call to speak with one of our staff members confidentially, even if it’s not normal business hours where you are. Also feel free to fill out our contact form with some basic information about you and your case. A member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

Once we’ve investigated the basic details of your injuries and your case, we’ll be able to tell you how much compensation you’re entitled to. While we (and no ethical attorney) can make promises regarding your case, we can help calculate the costs and lost wages caused by your harm.

At Cronauer Law, we have extensive experience handling a wide range of personal injury cases, including:

  • Car accidents
  • Slip and fall accidents
  • Trucking accidents
  • Product liability claims
  • And many others

Our team has a reputation for achieving successful results in complex cases, from personal injury claims to business disputes. No matter the specifics of your case, we have the expertise and resources to demand fair compensation on your behalf.

Let's review your case

Protecting those who have been wrongfully harmed

Companies, employers, and individuals have a “duty of care.” Everyone has the obligation to avoid actions or situations that may have put you in any harm.

If you have been injured in any way – medical, physical, and emotional harm – it is important to contact a reputable lawyer right away. At Cronauer Law, we have proven that we can be trusted with the most complex cases.

Duty of Care

In tort law, a duty of care is a legal obligation which is imposed on an individual requiring adherence to a standard of reasonable care while performing any acts that could foreseeably harm others. It is the first element that must be established to proceed with an action in negligence. The claimant must be able to show a duty of care imposed by law which the defendant has breached. In turn, breaching a duty may subject an individual to liability. The duty of care may be imposed by operation of law between individuals with no current direct relationship (familial or contractual or otherwise), but eventually become related in some manner, as defined by common law (meaning case law).