Our Approach

Aggressive client advocacy

Relentless lawyers fighting to get you every dollar you deserve. ​

As a law firm with years of combined successes worth over $170 million, we are financially capable of accessing any resource necessary to secure a victory. We work tirelessly exploring all options to conquer your case.

No case is too daunting for the lawyers at Cronauer Law. We have gone to trial and won against some of the largest companies in Illinois. We come down hard on the opposition while maintaining steadfast loyalty to you.

With the guidance of our team, together we create a game plan that gives your case the best shot to win at trial. You get full control over decisions in your case.

Work through your case with lawyers who have a history of winning at trial, and receive 1-on-1 attention exactly when you need it. 

Contact our team

How do we get you the highest compensation Possible?

You start with the best lawyers to get the best results

Celebrating a historic 12 year winning streak,

Nicholas is a renowned trial lawyer who wins cases again and again.
No case is too complex for him to take on.

He’s won Illinois record-breaking verdicts such as a $5.3 million verdict and is ranked as one of the “Top 10 Lawyers Under 40” in the nation.

As a law firm with years of combined successes worth over $170 million, we are financially capable of accessing any resource necessary to secure a victory. We work tirelessly exploring all options to conquer your case.

No case is too daunting for the lawyers at Cronauer Law. We have gone to trial and won against some of the largest companies in Illinois. We come down hard on the opposition while maintaining steadfast loyalty to you.

With the guidance of our team, together we create a game plan that gives your case the best shot to win at trial. You get full control over decisions in your case.

Work through your case with lawyers who have a history of winning at trial, and receive 1-on-1 attention exactly when you need it. 

Not your typical lawyer

We are thoroughly equiped to take on large companies

The lawyers are here to help you win, and the technology we invest in helps you win big.

No two cases are the same, and each case requires unique strategies to persuade the judge and jury at trial. When there’s an opportunity to increase the value of your case, we gladly invest into the technology that can increase your compensation.

Our family-owned firm has the technical resources and financial assets not typically found in smaller law firms.

Our in-house team of technologists work with medical experts and crash reconstructions to investigate every law that applies to your injuries. After thorough exploration, our team prepares to present your case at trial.

We wholeheartedly invest in you and your case because we know you should be awarded to the fullest extent of the law.

Where other law firms take the first settlement, we fight until the best settlement.

Our technology helps judges and jurors fully comprehend the case and rule in your favor.

We use the power of realistic imaging to shock and convince judges and jurors that you deserve higher compensation.

Our in-house legal technology team creates a 3D reconstruction of your accident. This lets judges and jurors experience and fully comprehend your trauma.

Your inexplicable pain and suffering comes to life in the courtroom. Judges and jurors feel your agony and readily award you everything you deserve.

The use of visual evidence with a jury is favored by Courts because of its aid in comprehension; however, not enough law firms appreciate this nor pursue it in trial.

Our in-house team of technologists work with medical experts and crash reconstructions to investigate every law that applies to your injuries. After thorough exploration, our team prepares to present your case at trial.

We wholeheartedly invest in you and your case because we know you should be awarded to the fullest extent of the law.

Where other law firms take the first settlement, we fight until the best settlement.

We find evidence where nobody looks

Society absorbs information different than any prior time in history. Most videos watched are under a minute, and based on the habits of people using Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook, if you don’t grab people’s attention in the first 7 seconds, you’ve lost.

But jury trials in a courtroom take days, even months of explanation before the jury decides their final verdict.

Lawyers who embrace technology will lead in the courtroom

A talented team to work on your case

Because we have our own in-house team of technologists, our talent can create presentations that cut through complicated Legal talk in the courtroom.

Judges and Jurors will understand the evidence we present, increasing our chances of a favorable outcome.

On a winning streak

Nicholas Cronauer joined his family’s long standing law firm in 2013, and has yet to lose a single trial. Winning Record breaking cases for Illinois such as a $5.3 Million verdict, and ranking in the TOP 10 Under 40 Lawyers in the Nation.

Contact us

How we invest into you

The trial lawyers of Illinois’ Cronauer Law LLP care about the future of our clients, and it shows in the way we approach our practice. Everything we do is aimed at getting the best possible results for them and their families.

When you take on the well-financed, powerful corporations and insurance companies, you need a law firm just as powerful to protect you and your rights. Cronauer Law spares no small detail, and are willing to take the risk to invest into the resources it takes to achieve the best result for our clients.