Workers’ Compensation Claim leads to $800,000 for Laborer

A 25 year old laborer suffered an injury while working for his employer. His job duties require him to safely operate nearby heavy machinery everyday. Heavy weight from nearby machinery fallen onto his foot and had caused crushing injuries.

Any injury while performing duties for your employer is eligible under Illinois workers compensation laws, this laborer sought the legal representation of Cronauer Law to handle his workers comp claim.

The laborer required surgery to his foot, but had developed Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) from the injury.

According to the National Institute Of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), CRPS is a conditioning describing prolonged pain and inflammation that follows an injury to the arm or leg. CRPS can last for short periods of time, or become chronic pain, lasting more than 6 months.

This injury severely limited the laborer’s ability to perform in the workplace, and the only positions available to accommodate his injuries paid lower wages than what he earned before the injury.

One of the many benefits of Illinois worker’s compensation allows workers to receive “Wage differential payments.” — Despite obtaining a job with a lower rate of pay, workers will receive additional income from their employer until the age of 67 or 5 years from the date of injury, whichever is greater. – learn more

The lawyers at Cronauer Law secured The laborer $800,000 in wage differential payments.

Legal Protection for Employees

How Do I Receive Compensation Benefits?

Cronauer law offers free consultation to workers who were injured while performing work for their employer. This consultation will allow our team to confirm your legal right to receive workers’ compensation benefits, and start the process to receive those benefits.

Call our office at (815) 895-8585 to receive your free consultation from our legal team. Or you can message our team directly by filling the Free Consultation form.