Cronauer Law Secures $97,500 Underinsured Motorist Decision

In a recent legal triumph, Cronauer Law demonstrated its unwavering commitment to securing justice for clients by successfully obtaining $97,500 in an underinsured motorist case. This remarkable outcome exemplifies the crucial role played by Cronauer Law in protecting the rights of individuals affected by inadequate insurance coverage.

Insufficient Insurance Coverage: A Perilous Situation for Accident Victims

In Illinois, drivers are required to have a minimum of $25,000.00 in insurance coverage for injuries or death of one person in a crash.  And a minimum of $50,000.00 in insurance coverage for injuries or death of more than one person in a crash.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the average cost of medical treatment for a car crash is $15,000.00.  Considering this statistic ranges from the person who treats one time to the person who is catastrophically injured, it is quite likely that this is a low average (especially when the average ER bill is $3,000.00-$5,000.00, not including the ambulance bill and any x-rays or MRI testing done).

The Importance of Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist (UM/UIM) Coverage

What happens when the other driver doesn’t have insurance or the insurance is not enough to fairly compensate you for your injuries?

To mitigate the risks associated with drivers who lack insurance or possess inadequate coverage, most drivers opt for uninsured and underinsured motorist (UM/UIM) coverage. This coverage allows individuals to file a claim against their own insurance company if their UM/UIM policy provides higher coverage limits than the at-fault driver’s insurance.

In the case at hand, Cronauer Law’s client had the foresight to secure UM/UIM coverage, which ultimately played a crucial role in seeking the compensation they deserved.

The Challenging Legal Battle

In November 2017, our client was on her way to dinner with her husband in suburban Cook County, Illinois.  As their vehicle entered a major intersection a driver turned left in front of them causing a crash.  

Our client suffered injuries to her sternum, shoulder, knee, and a wrist.  Our client was assessed with possible traumatic arthritis and discharged from doctors care in 2018 with significant limitation to her right wrist.

The other driver’s insurance company tendered the full insurance policy for their role in the crash.  

Our client’s insurance company (whom they had for over 20 years) offered $5,000.00 to settle her underinsured motorist claim.

Fighting Against Unreasonable Insurance Companies

Almost all car insurance policies seeking compensation for underinsured and uninsured claims are litigated in Arbitration rather than through the county court system. This is specifically designed by insurance companies to reduce their costs of litigation.  We rejected the $5,000.00 offer and elected to litigate her underinsured claim.

After over 3 years of fighting with her own insurance company, we presented evidence and testimony about our clients crash, injuries, and condition.  In a fiercely contested arbitration before three arbitrators, the insurance company argued against the medical bill amount, accused their own insured of being at fault for the crash, and attacked the causation of the injuries.  With a final dagger, the insurance company also attacked our client (aka their own insured) truthfulness.

Insurance companies will stop at nothing to fight you and your case, even if it means arguing against their “loyal” and premium paying clients.

Victory Against All Odds

Don’t you want attorneys who will fight just as hard to get you fair and reasonable compensation?  At Cronauer Law, we are Real Attorneys, who get Real Results.  We fight unreasonable insurance companies who will undervalue your claim every time.  We know the arguments, tricks, and law they use to deny your access to full compensation.

Despite the insurance companies’ best efforts, we secured an Arbitration decision of $97,500.00 (with 0% fault) for our client, against their now-former insurance company.

Attorney Bradley Melzer presented the evidence and argument during the Arbitration.

When you call Cronauer Law, we will fight for you.  We are Real Attorneys, who get Real Results, whether that is in Negotiations, Settlement, Arbitration, Court, Jury Trial or Bench Trial.  

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