Mother Files Lawsuit Against City of DeKalb and Police Officers for Excessive Force and Constitutional Violations

A mother, represented by Cronauer Law LLP, has filed a lawsuit against the City of DeKalb and two of its police officers, citing excessive force and constitutional violations. She filed the lawsuit on behalf of herself and her children in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, Western Division, on June 3, 2024.

The incident occurred on December 16, 2022. While driving with her children, the mother was stopped by a police officer. During the encounter, both officers allegedly used excessive force, injuring the mother’s wrist. They reportedly failed to consider critical factors that should have influenced their actions. Additionally, the officers allegedly forced her children to walk home alone in freezing temperatures without adequate clothing or supervision, leaving them distressed over their mother’s treatment.

The mother argues that the officers violated her children’s First Amendment rights by retaliating against them for expressing concern during the arrest. She also claims that the officers’ actions amounted to excessive force, infringing upon her Fourth Amendment rights. She seeks over $50,000 in damages for each count against the officers.

The case is being expertly managed by C. Nicholas Cronauer of Cronauer Law LLP. For more details or legal inquiries, please contact Cronauer Law LLP.