One Million Dollars Acquired in an Ongoing Case.

This is an ongoing case, the names have been removed to protect the identity of those involved. All claims and testimonial reported are to be considered as simply evidence.

A partial settlement for one million dollars was finalized last week in a medical malpractice case against a hospital, surgeon, and various nurses. The $𝟏,𝟎𝟎𝟎,𝟎𝟎𝟎 recovery will help our 77-year-old client receive quality around-the-clock care and support he and his wife need for the rest of the victim’s anticipated life expectancy. The case was handled by C. Nicholas Cronauer, with the help of Charles Cronauer and Jessica Parsons, as well as support staff Brittany Seldal and Darria McDonald, who are pivotal for this case and many other cases we have successfully handled through trial or pretrial resolution.
Our client went to a hospital for routine, outpatient hernia surgery in his abdominal. After the procedure, our client was complaining of severe abdominal pain and eventually had his blood pressure drop. It was reported that a mesh layer used to reinforce the abdominal wall was not secured properly and was attached to scar tissue, which bled for hours. The internal bleeding caused clotting, which occurred for up to seven hours before a second surgery occurred.

After a second surgery hours later to stop the internal bleeding, our client was left in-patient care for overnight supervision. The next morning, he was found to have suffered a serious stroke that had progressed beyond the point of potential repair.

The stroke rendered our client bedridden for the remainder of his life. Several defendants paid one million dollars to resolve their claim. This money will be used towards the extensive medical costs associated with around-the-clock medical care the client now needs.

This is an ongoing case

Even though this client and his wife received one million dollars, this case is far from over. In the coming months, Cronauer Law will prepare to go to trial in hopes of bringing our client the full recovery he and his wife deserve. This article will be updated once a verdict has been rendered.

Unfortunately, we live in a world where Adverse Medical Treatment contributes to the deaths of 108,000 patients a year. It is up to society as a whole, especially our civil justice system, to hold those responsible for our medical care to a reasonable standard of care we can all tolerate. Every case of POOR medical treatment performed negligently within our community is intolerable as a society. Thankfully, that number has been steadily going down in part to jurors who strive to provide a reasonable standard of care that, by definition, increases the quality of care within the community.

Those who survive malpractice often suffer lasting damage as well as substantial physical and emotional trauma. It is in these instances, Cronauer Law steps in to hold the professionals and institutions accountable for their actions.

If you or someone you know left a hospital in worse condition, the lawyers at Cronauer Law are interested in learning about your case.
We may be able to help.

About Cronauer Law, LLP

Cronauer Law, LLP is a boutique firm focused primarily on trial work in the arena of legal torts and commercial / business litigation. It has recovered tens of millions of dollars on behalf of its clients through trial work and been responsible for hundreds of millions of dollars in client verdicts, settlements, and transactions.

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